Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Power of Prayer

This was an e-mail I send to India team =].  Enjoy.
[note, this is LONG]

Hey guys, i came back from retreat like a few hours ago, and what a blessing it was.  

This retreat was... definitely unexpected.  But this e-mail subject was aptly put[the power of prayer], because it was only possible through prayer.  So when I found out about the retreat like last week,  I wasn't even thinking about being a teacher.  But i went to the meeting, because "what could it hurt?"  And i go and realize that I was pretty much meant to be there.  the pastor was saying how the retreat almost didn't happen because of his failures in the past.  But because so many people kept asking about the retreat, he prayed to God, saying that if he was able to find a retreat site, he would have the retreat.  Now retreat sites are usually planned months in advance, and this was maybe a few weeks before the planned date, but the first place he called, they said it was a miracle that he called.  The dates 28-31 had been previously booked, but dropped, and the retreat staff workers were praying for someone to fill the spot.  We were the answer to their prayers, she said.  

I realized i couldn't just not go.  our pastor asked us to keep the retreat and the youth group in prayer.  I admit, i had my doubts.  I saw the people in the yg, and i was thinking how some of them would take a while before God could reach them, and I was being prideful, thinking that my experiences in college and Missions in India was adequate preparation for me to be able to bless these kids. 

Dang.  Dang dang...so wrong.

It definitely was through prayer and nothing else.  Helen, as Deborah said, had told her small group leader, that since the summer, she had been hearing demonic voices, telling her not to worship God, that God didn't love her.  Last night, as the pastor called the congregation to stand, if they were ready to commit their lives to God, to not wait any longer like the Israelites in Haggai who were waiting to build the temple of God, saying, it's not time for God's temple to be built.  And Helen stood.  But i guess the demon was saying "NO, It's still not time."  And she said after, that beside the one spirit that has been with her since summer, demons she had never seen were oppressing her.  She left the room, into the bathroom, and started screaming.  The staff went to pray for her.  We were scared; the battle in that room could almost be felt.  I went outside at that time to call people, India team, Core, DT, whoever, to pray for her.  

I went back inside the main worship room to pray for the other students there.  And it was discouraging, yet a blessing.  I learned from one of the guys, Daniel, that basically, all the role models he had at church, including his brother, had left God.  Man, that brother, Abraham, who I had looked up to, who the whole church pretty much was willing to give their respect, had gone, realized that God did not fit the world he was beginning to see, and is now living a life of "Enlightened Detachment."  And now here was his younger brother, not trusting anyone, unable to praise God, pray to God, love God, because how could he, when the people who he trusted to be so solid in their faith had been totally wasted.  

After talking with others, I panned the room, seeing them pray for each other, cry with one another, realizing how wrong I was, that these kids couldn't be changed in a day.  As they started to go in to the next room [she was moved to the pool room by then] to pray for Helen, I could see the compassion on their faces.  As I watched one girl, crying, with the words "Why Helen?"  I contemplated on how to comfort her.  And i realized, God doesn't need me to do everything.  some of the brothers in the ministry went up to her and comforted her.  And i was reminded at that moment.  God does the healing, God does the changing.  We are only vessels to do what we are commanded, but we can't think that we have to reach out to people in order to heal them, or comfort them with our wise words that we have for them.  

And so one of my prayers for Helen was that she would have faith to know that God has POWER, that He is greater than Anything here on earth.  That she needs only to trust herself completely in her arms.  That the name of Jesus had the power to heal, to comfort.  That if the whole congregation had faith, that she would find peace.  

And i was blessed.  more blessed than i could have ever blessed anyone.  Blessed to see the group grow that much close because of this struggle.  To know that these times in the valley of the shadow of death can be the times when God shines the brightest.  

The spirit is still with her.  Demonic oppression is hard to drive out completely, especially for us students, who still have such little faith.  

It manifested itself again on the bus ride home.  Even though we thought it was over, it's still serious.  Prayer is still needed, at all times.  I was reminded of the verse 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.  "Be joyful always, pray continuously give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  Continue to pray for Helen, please.  And pray for yourselves, pray for each other, pray for your class, pray for your school, pray for your church, for the people you meet, for the people you love, and the people you don't love, that you would love them.  Pray that God would change your heart, with full faith that he will do it.  Know that our God is great.

I'll end with this thought.  You know the song, "These are the Days of Elijah."  The chorus says "It's the year of Jubilee."  Jubilee means rejoicing or jubilation, a time of celebration.  I thought for the longest time that all this meant was that it's a time to celebrate what God has done for us.  Until now.  DT reading led me through Leviticus, numbers, Deuteronomy.  But in Leviticus, it explains the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:8-54).  It's a year every 50 years where slaves are freed, debts are canceled, and land is returned to its rightful owner.  Crops are not to be planted, but are to live off what the land produces, and from the old crop.  This is our year of Jubilee.  Because of what Jesus did on the cross, our debt of eternal debt has been paid and canceled, we have been set free from sin, and are returned to God.  We live on God's blessing, and not our own works, as long as we are faithful to God.  

Friday, December 12, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Consistent and Persistent

[Note to self]: Just because the beginning is easy, doesn't mean the end will be too.  


Fighting failure will always leave you uncertain.  

Fight the fear of failure.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


-Something that leaves you less satisfied every time you satisfy your desire for it.  
-Something you can't stop doing, even after your mind has decided it's wrong.  

I'm an addict of sin.  Lord, save me!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm a little sad it takes as much effort as it does for me to be social.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


When I feel like I've done something right, I reward myself with laziness.  


I need to reward myself with harder, more devoted service to God.  To discipline myself so that I can run the race and not be disqualified for underperformance.  

I need to beat my body like Paul does.

I must be trained by discipline to reap the harvest of righteousness.

Consistency.  Continuing to do well, even when it's okay to slack off.  

Integrity.  Desiring to do your best, even when the minimum effort is enough.  Even when you can get by with a little less, to give it your all.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Day of giving thanks... 

What are you thankful for?

FOOD! =]]]]]

God's word.  Seriously.  I was not planning on writing every day but every day when I read intently, he tells me something new, or reminds me of what I have forgotten.  

Like today.  Jesus tells Peter "Get behind me Satan!" and I think that's really harsh.  But I read the next sentence, "You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." it actually made a little more sense to me.  Peter loved Jesus, and didn't want him to die.  He wanted Jesus to be the conqueror he imagined him to be.  He was seeking the best for Jesus.  But what he thought was the best for Jesus, was not God's will.  I'm sure Jesus didn't want to suffer and die.  He may have wanted to listen to Peter, and agree, and say that he doesn't have to die.  But he knew God's will, he knew what he needed to do.  He knew that God's will was more important than what was comfortable.  

Sin sucks.  =[

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


...is what we say holiness is for man to attain.  I was listening to KWVE on the way home from school.  Jesus tells a man to stretch out his withered hand, when the man is obviously not going to be able to do so, but because the man does stretch out his hand, he is healed.  Likewise, when Jesus heals a blind man, he tells the man, "do you see anything?" and once the man looks intently, he is able to see.  

Imagine if Jesus tells the man to stretch out his hand, and the man says "No!  My hand has always been shriveled, and if you can heal me, I want you to do it while I keep my hand hidden here in my cloak.  Or if the blind man said "Of course not!  I'm blind you fool!" wouldn't they have never received the blessings Jesus had chosen to give them?  We say it's impossible to trust God with all our hearts.  We say it's impossible for man to live a holy life wholly for God [score 1 for homonyms].  But we need to make the effort to live that life.  When we do, God gives us the power to live the life he wants.  

...But we know this don't we.  But why do we still feel like it's impossible to live the kind of life that God wants.  Maybe it's because it requires a trust in God that is impossible for man to have in the first place.  Thank goodness salvation is not dependent on what we do, but on what God has already done for us, because each one of us would fail miserably.  But Jesus died for us, and in doing so, gave us the power to believe in him, to believe in his strength that breathes through us as we struggle to live a holy life.  And we CAN live a life pleasing to God, because he gives us the power to do so.  

So, are you going to try?  Will you seek God's help?  Are you going to stretch out your hand?  Will you try your hardest to see when your eyes are blinded?

Speaking of blinded...

Creation is in pain.  All of life is groaning because of the sin that saturates the world of man.  Though it is true that God has given all creation for Man to fill and subdue, man currently has creation in chains.  The majestic palms serve only to complement the artificial structures humans have created.  Earth is paved over with cement and asphalt.  Even the skies are veiled with thick toxic vapors that shut out the splendor of the heavens.  All of creation proclaims the glory of God, but we silence them with our pride and ambition.  Creation cries out, "LORD LORD LORD," but instead we silence them and assert, "MAN MAN MAN."  No wonder people think there is no God, because they have become gods in their own eyes.  Blinded by their own success, they cannot see the truth.  

Pray for faith.  Pray for truth.  Pray.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Woke up to do my homework this morning at around 2:50, 3 ish.  Read my Bible at around 3:20.  1 Thessalonians.  Source of the theme verse of India.


But that's all I remember.  I read it this morning and I forgot what the important message was that I got from it.  

I want to constantly be seeking.  If I don't seek, the times spent reading the word will be useless.  If I don't take the effort to apply that hourly to my life, what's the point of reading in the morning?  I remember reading the word this morning, hours later I sinned, and oh how deliberate it was, with full knowledge of what I did.  I say I'm going to work harder to stop sinning once I get better with God, but when is that going to happen if I'm not taking the extra effort to fight off those temporary temptations.  [score 1 for alliteration points!]

It's almost time for Thanksgiving =].  Food I am very excited for.  Stuffing and mashed potatoes smothered with gravy, green bean casserole [with french onions straws], ham... =]]]]] <- fat smile.  

I love to eat... If only that food converted to more fat in my body... maybe I could bulk up more.  Maybe I should stop this wistful wishing [2 points!] and actually go to the gym.

GO: being active, not cruising, living life deliberately.  This is what I need.

But anyways, Thanksgiving... What am I thankful for?  1 Thess had a whole section on Paul's thankfulness for the faith of the Thessalonian church.  The Gospel came upon them with power and life, and lived it out with deep conviction, imitating Jesus, even in suffering.  I want to be that way too.  

...I should make a thanksgiving list, and to each person I have something to thank for, go up to them and thank them. [P.S. not my idea, Holliston pastor's idea]

Monday, November 24, 2008

No Free Time?

I've got several hours of math homework lined up before me, dozens of letters that I still haven't done [I must be the most ungrateful person on the planet] with a dinner to go to, and on top of that, starting to feel sick.  

1: Homework
2: Letters
3: Sleep

Something wrong?  

Where's God?

Even when I'm swamped with stuff to do, I have to stay calm; remember God and spend time with him.  Without Him, I'm nothing, and without Him, life is meaningless.  

Ground Zero

Day one of blog.

It begins.