Friday, September 11, 2009


I have a xanga. It's II_Pakman_II. It' s a relic from a younger time when I was still foolish and lost, but thinking that I had everything all figured out. I sometimes wonder why I don't just keep writing in my xanga. I probably joined blogger because of the whole blog fad revival, but I think that my xanga just shows so much of my immaturity and my very man-centered view of Christianity. It also reminds me of how I used to blog about Jesus just so that I could seem more Holy than I was. Too bad I wrote utter CRAP... and people agreed with me. I hope God has since done damage control. I feel terrible for trying to be all godly and ending up potentially leading other people astray. I'm hoping that the separation of blogs is kind of a symbol of the separation of my old life from my new life in God, with a greater, but definitely not complete, understanding of his message of grace and salvation. I'm glad to leave behind that old self, trying my best to appear humble yet still being so self seeking. I'm reminded of the proverb that says something to the effect of "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to his folly." Only a fool would ever want to go back to the life he had before, without God.

I don't really ever know how to end posts, so I'll just stop writing

1 comment:

saehoon said...

from a sinner to a saint.
you got it joe