Monday, March 14, 2011

The return of my blog (again)

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

A sermon(seminarish) I've listened to recently was saying that the extent of our transformation is linked to the extent of the renewing that our mind has undergone. Something I've felt these days is that the sins I've yet to let go of is the root cause of my inability to really take off in my service to Christ. I'm held down because I hold on to my old pleasures and desires. Until I let go of my fleshy desires, there's no way that my life can really exemplify what Christ's own life was like. So die flesh! Die self! Die so that Christ can truly live in me!

A dangerous prayer to pray, but necessary.

1 comment:

ChosenCho said...

sometimes it's more dangerous not to pray the 'dangerous prayer.'

goood post - glad you're back - email me updates on your sg.