Saturday, March 19, 2011

A preview

This is the result of 10 min of brainstorming in bed, after spending a whole day at imperial spa trying to think of how to write my personal statement.

I was a person that used to think “avoid misfortune and failure at all costs.” I believed that having a foolproof plan encompassing my extent of study, my career goals, and marriage would ensure that I would have a happy life. But if Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, we would not know his grace. I have learned in these past four years that misfortune is often a blessing in disguise, because it pulls you away from all that you’re comfortable with, and forces you to deal with yourself. You come to realize your shortcomings and grow as a result. Failures, once perceived as a curse, truly do become blessings in disguise. I want to become a doctor because I’ve come to understand this; to remind people that it’s only when they’re broken that they can then be healed.

Hmmmm, it seems that my essay writing has become a little bloggish. A little overly poetic, I feel... I'm still trying to decide how much of God to include. I want to give him the glory, yet I don't want to be preachy... It's a start, and a central theme, at least.

1 comment:

saehoon said...

its a tough balance of writing what is genuine and writing what they want to hear.

but the greater balance, do what you can do, and God will do what he does.

keep on blogging!