Monday, April 26, 2010

In One Day

In one day, you can forget so much about being humble. You forget that it is only through the Love of Christ that we are worth anything. It's so easy to think that because we begin to understand the Love of God, that we are better than others; the second we are taught to be humble, we become proud of our humility. The Love of Christ is not something we obtain because we have some secret knowledge, but is given to us when we, with all our hearts, run after Jesus for his love and compassion because we are so sinful that we can't even hope to save ourselves. But we come to know that the blood of Jesus paid for our sins, today, yesterday, and in the days to come.


ChosenCho said...

yeah its crazy how easy we forget. CJ Mahaney said, "I can't live on yesterday's gospel. I have to have the gospel everyday." And likewise i have to remind myself everyday and even yet still i forget! it's such a great thing that God never lets us go and has the patience to teach us and help us remember that it's all about Him and about how He saved us and continues to keep us

jams said...

well said joe. we must be people of reminder.. our memory sucks. but thank God for His unending grace and mercy! :)