Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This is the character for all the words related to faith.  In Japanese, it's incorporated into the words: faith, belief, to believe, etc.  It's made up of two parts.  To the left, is the radical for person, 人.  To the right, the radical for speak, 言.  

Faith, a man who speaks.  Because what good is faith when you just keep it in, all to yourself?  Faith is not real until it is lived out and shared.  We all know the passage that says "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." (James 2:17).  However, there is another passage in Philemon that says "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." (Philemon 6).  Not only does faith manifest itself in our actions, it is also good for us to gain a better understanding of what God has really done for us.  As we share, it becomes more real to us, and we begin to truly understand the awesome things God does in our lives.  We stop sharing, we stop remembering, and we begin to lose sight on the goodness of God.  

Talk.  Speak.  Man was meant to converse.  So whether with nonbelievers, or with fellow brothers and sisters, talk about God, and what he is doing.  

Friday, April 17, 2009

Japanese Project Test

先週の週末にソフトボール・トーナメントがありました。このトーナメントは毎年KCMをするトーナメントです。KCMはかんこくのクリスチャンのグループで、いつも一に二度スポーツトーナメントをします。去年に私たちがかちました(Won)。トーナメントに大学がたくさん出ました。大学USCUCLAUCSDUCIUCRから来ました。このトーナメントは八時から四時まででしたが、はじめからおわりまでたのしかったです。USC はチームが二つありました。USC AUSC Bといいました。私はこのUSC Bチームにいました。



私たちはUCIにかちました。そのあとで、とてもうれしかったです。UCIにかつからじゅんけっしょう(Semifinals)に行けました。USC A もじゅんけっしょうに行きました。でも、USC AUSC Bがまけました。私たちのUSC BUCLA Bに20たい0でまけました。とてもはずかしいEmbarassing)ですね。でも、だいじょうぶでした。でも、USC Aのじゅんけっしょ

のゲームはWorld Baseball Classicのけっしょうのようでした。USC Aはアウットが一ついりましたが、UCSD A のせんしゅはまんるいホームランをしました。ざんねんでしたね。でも、かたなかったですけど、たのしかったです。



Sunday, April 12, 2009


I always have that wish, that all my friends could somehow meet each other, and become friends themselves.  I wish KCM friends could meet church friends, that STSM friends could meet USC friends, etc.  But I realized, for all of us who have accepted God's gift of love, we're going to have an eternity to spend with each other.  And then, in our glorified bodies, without awkwardness, we can really have true fellowship.  We'll have eternity to get to know each other, and to really love each other as we were meant to.  I can't wait for that.

Saturday, April 11, 2009