Monday, March 9, 2009

It's been a month...

...I feel like this is a trend, with my blogs, with my journal.  Everytime I attempt to log my life, I end up recording about once a month.  

Which is better than never, I guess.  I realized that I haven't had one of those crazy bible reading moments in a while... the kind where you read a verse, and all of a sudden all of life's questions are answered.  Maybe it's because I don't seek it?  DT reading is awesome, and it keeps me accountable, but I realized that I'm depending on the schedule to find God in the word, instead of seeking him through the words.  

It's funny what people write in blogs.   They expect Nobody to read them, yet they expect Everyone to read them.  It's uncomfortable for a person to be reading over our shoulders as we type, yet we expose [some of] our secrets for the whole world to see.  I wish, the things that I would write in a blog, I could easily share with another person.  But blogging too much gets you used to monologuing; you forget the intricacies and profundity of a dialogue.  

It's interesting, isn't it, that we rate the conversations that we have, not based on the content of what we say, but on how we feel.  We seek intellectual, emotional, spiritual, etc etc  stimulation from the words we say and hear.  Maybe, if we seek, not the stimulation, but the words themselves, if we could truly listen to what a person has to say, then we could learn a lot more, and care a lot more.  Which actually brings me full circle, without me knowing it... hahah crazy!

Do I seek stimulation when I read the Bible?  Or do I seek GOD?

Do you care for the fun people, or do you love them?

Do You love emotion, or do You love GOD?

And so, there goes another, self-thought based blog.  Recalling verses has been hard to do lately, being out of touch with the bible.  I guess it's now time to get my sword, sharpen it, polish it, equip it...

CHR[l.o.v.e]IST - my new signature.  Don't just read it, think about it.  We love, but not by ourselves.  We love because Christ first loved us, and in his love we are able to love.  

Be in Christ!

-Joseph S Pak